
ID Registration
Welcome to the Genealogy
3 Family Tree Database.

This database is fully functional and provides many additional capabilities to those PC based family tree programs you
have become accustomed to. Most importantly, your family tree can now be shared with others anywhere in the world.
Your cousin in Upper Kafiristan can update your family tree with information about his twelve sons and 5 great grandchildren.
The database is also linked to Google Maps, which allow you to visually track the locations where your family lived over the years.

Registration for use of the database is $12.95 per ID, once. No annual fee, NO other charges.
The revenue generated from these fees will be put to use purchasing equipment and material related to genealogy
which will then be made available in the free sections of the website.

Payment is simple with Paypal, just click the button below. Once the payment is processed and deposited,
you will recieve an email with a link for the acutal set up of your ID.

Getting started is then easy. You can upload a .ged file to the database and immediatley see your data on the web.
And your data is secure. No downloads of your hard work will ever be allowed unless requested by you.
So, what are you waiting for ? Click below to get started.....


Updated 1/24/2010